Istanbul 101: 24 Hours

Travel presents itself to us in so many ways. From domestic to international, from road trip to cruise, travel never seems to run out of options. One of those quirky travel moments shows up in the extended layover-and Istanbul is a huge layover airport. Think about it. A layover is the perfect way to test…

Normandy 101: Tres Magnifique!

While we are all cooped up waiting for our quarantine days to end, let’s do a little travel dreaming. I’ve been thinking about how amazing the Normandy Region is. It’s got a bit of all the things that make a trip so globally literate: history, art, food, architecture, and local joie de vie. There’s a…

It’s the little moments.

It’s amazing how often we reflect on experiences that we have had. A memory wanders from the back of our mind and slowly draws a smile across our face. We fondly see mental pictures of the people we met and the places we’ve been. That memory continues to delight as we relate the anecdote to…

Accidents Will Happen!

No matter how well we plan, accidents happen! It stinks but it is the reality of typical traveler. You took the time to pack exactly 5 shirts, one dress, one and only one extra pair of sandles and a bathing suit that when paired with your double duty oversized scarf will magically transform your beach…

The Art of the Journal.

As a teacher, I can tell you that the worst thing in a kid’s life is the moment your teacher says “Please take out your writing journal”. The groans I hear! You would think I was asking for a blood donation! I’m sure, as it is for many people, it is very difficult to look…

The Beauty of the Second City

When perusing our travel dreams, we often find ourselves thinking about the World’s great cities: London, Paris, Sydney, and Tokyo spring to mind. Each choice, Rome, New York City, has a unique appeal and draws thousands upon thousands of travelers every year. So many travelers, in fact, that sometimes we wonder if there is another…