Why Is Travel An Addiction?

Over the years psychologists, anthropologists and other very fancy people have weighed in to answer the question: why do people travel? They’ve sited studies and research from their very fancy places of work and even fancier scientifically sound universities who spout out data about serotonin levels and charts about which countries give the best vacation…

Athens 101

In ancient times, the goddess Athena looked after Athens as the patroness of the city. The small but mighty city crowned with the Acropolis has been the longest continuously inhabited capitol in Europe. It has seen its glory ebb and flow over not just centuries but millennia. So, what is it about this vacation magnet…

Istanbul 101: 24 Hours

Travel presents itself to us in so many ways. From domestic to international, from road trip to cruise, travel never seems to run out of options. One of those quirky travel moments shows up in the extended layover-and Istanbul is a huge layover airport. Think about it. A layover is the perfect way to test…